
How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish

How to stop my dogs breath from smelling like fish?! Did you ever smell your dog’s breath, which smelled like fish? A lot of people with dogs notice this. You might think, “Why does my dog’s breath smell fishy?” and “How can you make it smell good?” We have some fun tips for you!

How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish in 10 Fun Ways An illustration showing a happy dog experiencing various ways to improve its breath
How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish in 10 Fun Ways An illustration showing a happy dog experiencing various ways to improve its breath

How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish

Here are cool tips to stop your dog’s breath from smelling like fish in 10 fun ways:

1. Visit the Vet

How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish A dog at the vet's office, getting a check up to find out why its breath smells fishy
How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish A dog at the vet’s office, getting a check up to find out why its breath smells fishy

Take your dog to the vet. The vet can check if tooth problems, sugar problems (diabetes), or kidney stuff make your dog’s breath smell fishy.

2. Brush Your Dog’s Teeth

How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish A dog having its teeth brushed by its owner
How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish A dog having its teeth brushed by its owner

It’s super important to brush your dog’s teeth with a dog toothbrush and toothpaste. Don’t use people toothpaste; it’s not good for dogs. Doggy dental treats can also help clean their teeth.

3. Feed Them Yummy Food

How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish A happy dog eating healthy dog food from a bowl
How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish A happy dog eating healthy dog food from a bowl

What your dog eats is big for their breath. Give them yummy and healthy dog food. Try not to give them people food that smells strong or is bad for them.

4. Always Have Water

Make sure your dog always has clean water. Water helps clean their mouth and makes breath better.

5. Fun Chew Toys

How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish An illustration of a dog playing with chew toys
How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish An illustration of a dog playing with chew toys

Chew toys are fun and help your dog’s teeth stay strong. Chewing on toys helps get rid of yucky stuff on their teeth.

6. Tasty Dental Treats

How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish A dog happily receiving a dental treat from its owner's hand
How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish A dog happily receiving a dental treat from its owner’s hand

There are special tasty treats that help keep your dog’s teeth clean and make their breath smell good. Giving your dog these treats every day can really help.

7. No People Food

How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish A dog looking disappointedly at a piece of garlic or onion, symbolizing the importance of avoiding human food
How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish A dog looking disappointedly at a piece of garlic or onion, symbolizing the importance of avoiding human food

People food like garlic and onions can make your dog’s breath smell yucky. It’s best not to give them leftovers.

8. Bath and Brush Your Dog

How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish An illustration showing a dog enjoying a bath, being gently washed and brushed by its owner
How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish An illustration showing a dog enjoying a bath, being gently washed and brushed by its owner

Sometimes the fishy smell comes from your dog’s fur, especially if they lick themselves a lot. Washing and brushing them can make them smell nice.

9. Watch for Allergies

How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish An illustration that depicts a dog being checked by a vet for allergies, showing the vet examining the dog carefully
How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish An illustration that depicts a dog being checked by a vet for allergies, showing the vet examining the dog carefully

Allergies can make your dog scratch or lick their skin a lot, making their breath smell. If you think your dog has allergies, talk to your vet.

10. Use Fresh Breath Stuff

How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish An illustration showing a dog using a water additive or spray designed to freshen breath
How to Stop My Dogs Breath From Smelling Like Fish An illustration showing a dog using a water additive or spray designed to freshen breath

There are special water drops and sprays for dogs that make their breath smell good. Your vet can tell you the best ones to use.

If your dog’s breath smells fishy, it’s a good idea to see the vet. The vet can figure out why and help you make it better. With a little care, your dog’s breath can smell fresh and nice!

Why Does My Dogs Breath Smell Like Fish?

13 main reasons why does my dog’s breath smell like fish:

1. Anal Glands

Dogs have small glands near their bottoms called anal glands. Sometimes, these glands can give off a fishy smell. When your dog licks that area and then licks its mouth, the smell can transfer to its breath.

2. Dental Decay

Just like us, dogs can get cavities and bad teeth. When their teeth start to decay, it can make their breath smell bad. Dental decay is a big reason for stinky breath.

3. Indigestion

Sometimes, dogs eat too fast or eat things they shouldn’t. This can cause indigestion, which leads to bad breath. It’s like when we eat something that doesn’t agree with us.

4. Urinary Tract Infection

It might sound strange, but a urinary tract infection (UTI) can also cause fishy breath. This is because the infection can spread and affect the whole body, including the mouth.

5. Dental Cleaning

Not getting regular dental cleanings can lead to a buildup of plaque and tartar. This buildup can cause a fishy smell. That’s why dental cleaning is so important for dogs.

6. Diabetes

Diabetes can make a dog’s breath smell different, sometimes even fishy. If your dog’s breath has suddenly changed, it’s a good idea to check with a vet.

7. Diet

What your dog eats can affect how its breath smells. Some foods might make their breath smell more than others. A good, balanced diet can help keep the breath smelling better.

8. Kidney Disease

If a dog’s kidneys aren’t working right, it can make their breath smell fishy. This is because toxins build up in the body and affect the breath.

9. Skin Infections

If your dog has a skin infection, it can sometimes affect their breath. This is especially true if they lick the infected area and then lick their mouth.

10. Dental Infection

Infections in the mouth or gum disease can lead to fishy-smelling breath. It’s important to keep an eye on your dog’s dental health.

11. Dog Breath or Bad Teeth

Sometimes, it’s just a case of bad teeth or typical “dog breath.” Keeping their teeth clean can help with this.

12. Gum Disease

Gum disease is another big cause of fishy breath. It’s caused by a buildup of plaque, leading to inflammation and bad smells.

13. Liver Disease

Liver problems can also make a dog’s breath smell bad. If the liver isn’t working properly, it can affect the whole body, including the breath.

How to stop my dogs breath from smelling like fish? If your dog’s breath smells fishy, you should take them to the vet. The vet can help figure out why and what to do about it. With some care, your dog’s breath can smell much better.

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