
How to Stop Puppy From Peeing in Crate

How to stop puppy from peeing in crate?  When puppies are little, they’re starting to understand how to tell when they need to go potty. It’s a bit like how you learned to tie your shoes or ride a bike—it takes practice and a bit of help.

Their crate is their cozy home base where they sleep and relax. But sometimes, they might have accidents and pee there. It’s not because they want to be naughty; they’re still figuring things out! Let’s learn how to do it with some tips.

Why Do Puppies Pee in Their Crate?

An Illustration About Why Do Puppies Pee in Their Crate and How to Stop Puppy From Peeing in Crate.webp
An Illustration About Why Do Puppies Pee in Their Crate and How to Stop Puppy From Peeing in Crate.webp

Having a puppy is like having a tiny, furry friend who’s learning everything for the first time. Sometimes, they might pee in their crate, but it’s all part of them figuring out how the world works. Let’s look at why this happens and how you can help.

Learning Takes Time

Imagine trying something new. You wouldn’t be perfect right away, right? Puppies are the same! They’re learning how to control when and where they go to the bathroom. Just like a little kid learning to use the potty, puppies need practice and time.

The Crate is Super Big

If the crate is really big, a puppy might think it’s okay to use one corner as a bathroom and the other for sleeping. They don’t know that’s not what we want. A crate that’s just the right size is cozy and doesn’t give them space to pee away from where they sleep.

Need More Breaks

Puppies have small bladders. This means they can’t hold it in for a long time. If they’re in the crate a lot and don’t get to go outside, they might not be able to wait. They’re not doing it on purpose; they just really have to go!

Feeling Scared or Nervous

Sometimes, if puppies feel scared or nervous, they might pee. It’s their way of saying, “I’m not sure about this.” Making sure they feel safe and happy in their crate can help a lot.

Sick Tummy or Bladder

Just like when we don’t feel good, puppies might have trouble holding it in if they’re sick. A quick check-up at the vet can make sure they’re healthy and don’t have something like a urinary tract infection.

Still Learning the Crate Rules

Crate training is like going to school for puppies. They’re learning that their crate is a special place for sleeping and hanging out, not for peeing. But they might not get it right away, and that’s okay.

Remember These Tips:

  • Patience is Key: Just like learning to ride a bike, puppies need time to learn.
  • Break Time: Make sure they get plenty of chances to go outside.
  • Cozy Crate: The crate should be just the right size, not too big or too small.
  • Health Check: If you’re worried, a vet can make sure your puppy is okay.

Understanding why puppies might have accidents in their crate shows us how we can help them learn. It’s all about being patient, kind, and giving them lots of love. Before you know it, your puppy will be a pro at knowing when and where to go potty!

How to stop puppy from peeing in crate?

Here is way to stop puppy from peeing in crate:

Understanding Your Puppy

First, remember puppies are like tiny babies. They have small bladders, so they need to pee a lot. Also, puppies love routines. They like understanding when it’s time to consume, rest, and play. It makes them feel happy and safe.

How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of Understanding Your Puppy
How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of Understanding Your Puppy

Making the Crate Perfect

How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of Making the Crate Perfect
How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of Making the Crate Perfect
  • Size Matters: It shouldn’t be too big, or they might think it’s okay to pee in one corner and sleep in another.

Pee Breaks Are Key

How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of Pee Breaks Are Key
How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of Pee Breaks Are Key
  • Frequent Breaks: Puppies must go outdoors to pee a lot, like after waking up, playing, eating, or drinking. And young puppies need to go every 2 hours!

Cheer Them On

How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of Cheer Them On
How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of Cheer Them On
  • Celebrate Outside Peeing: When your puppy pees outside, throw a mini-party. Give them treats and lots of “Good job!” This helps them know the best place to pee.

Oops! Clean It Up

How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of Oops! Clean It Up
How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of Oops! Clean It Up
  • Accidents Happen: Don’t get mad if your puppy has an accident in their crate. Clean it up quickly with a special cleaner that removes pee smells. This way, your puppy won’t think it’s okay to pee there again.

No Yelling, Please

How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of No Yelling, Please
How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of No Yelling, Please
  • Be Kind: Never yell at your puppy for accidents. This can make them scared or nervous, and that’s not good for learning.

Watch the Water

How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of Watch the Water
How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of Watch the Water
  • Not Too Much Water: Ensure your puppy isn’t drinking too much water right before bed or crate time. Just like you, they can’t hold it all night.

Patience is a Superpower

How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of Patience is a Superpower
How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of Patience is a Superpower
  • Mistakes Are Okay: Remember, everyone makes mistakes, even puppies. They’re learning, just like you did when you were little.

Your New Routine

How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of Your New Routine
How to stop puppy from peeing in crate An Illustrate of Your New Routine

Here’s a simple plan to help your puppy:

TimeWhat to Do
MorningPee break, then play
After PlayingPee break
After EatingPee break in 30 minutes
BedtimeLast pee break

By following these steps and being the best puppy teacher, you’ll help your puppy learn not to pee in their crate. Remember, every puppy learns at their own pace, so keep cheering them on, and soon, you’ll both be celebrating!

FAQs: Puppies Pee in Their Crate

Is it okay if my puppy pees in their crate?

Yes, it’s totally okay if this happens when they’re still learning. Just like kids, puppies are learning too. With some practice and patience, they’ll learn to wait until they’re outside.

What should I do if my puppy has an accident in their crate?

If your puppy pees in their crate, clean it well with a special cleaner that gets rid of the pee smell. This helps your puppy learn not to pee there again. Also, check if you’re taking them out often enough.

Can the crate be too big?

Yep! If the crate is really big, your puppy might think it’s okay to pee in one spot and sleep in another. The crate should be cozy, so they only have room to stand, turn around, and lie down.

How often should my puppy go outside?

Puppies need to go outside a lot – about every 2 to 3 hours. This includes after eating, playing, or waking up from a nap. If they’re very young or still learning, they might need to go out even more.

Can what my puppy eats and drinks affect how often they need to pee?

Sure can! What they eat and how much they drink can change how often they need to go. Talk to your vet to make sure they’re eating and drinking the right amounts.

Should I scold my puppy for peeing in the crate?

Nope, scolding might make them scared or anxious. It’s better to cheer them on when they do the right thing, like going potty outside. This teaches them what you like in a happy way.

How long will it take for my puppy to stop peeing in the crate?

It’s different for every puppy. Some might learn super quick, in just a few weeks. Others might take a bit longer. The key is to keep up with their training and routine.

Will getting another pet help my puppy stop peeing in the crate?

Getting a friend for your puppy might make them feel less alone, but it might not help with the peeing. It’s best to focus on training them. If you’re not sure what to do, asking a dog expert might help.

What if my puppy drinks a lot of water before bed?

Try taking their water bowl away a few hours before bedtime. This can help them not need to pee as much at night. But make sure they get enough water during the day!

Is it a good idea to use puppy pads in the crate?

Puppy pads can be like training wheels at first. But once your puppy gets better at going potty outside, you should stop using them. This helps them learn that outside is the place to go.

What if I’m not home all day?

If you’re super busy, you could ask someone you trust to let your puppy out. Or think about a dog walker or puppy daycare. They’re great for potty breaks and playtime.

Is it better for my puppy to sleep in the crate or with me?

Sleeping in the crate helps them learn when it’s bedtime and to be okay by themselves. But, once they’re good at not having accidents, sleeping with you could be cozy for both of you.

Does playing before bed help?

Yes! Playing before bed helps tire them out and makes them more likely to sleep through the night. It also means they’re more likely to go potty right before bed, which helps keep the crate clean.

With these tips and answers, you’re on your way to helping your puppy learn good habits, making both your lives happier and more fun!

About the author

Welcome to, your ultimate guide for puppy care. Created by a team of dedicated puppy experts, we've been sharing our love and knowledge of puppies for over 10 years. Our mission is simple: to make the journey of raising a puppy a joyful and rewarding experience.

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