
Puppy Sleep Schedule by Age: Expert Tips & Advice

Puppy Sleep Schedule by Age: How to Ensure Healthy Development: Are you looking to get the most out of your puppy’s sleep? With a proper sleep schedule by age, you’ll ensure your new pup gets the rest they need for healthy development. This blog will outline puppy sleep schedules by age based on research conducted by veterinarians and dog trainers. Factor in what affects a puppy’s sleep habits – such as season, diet, environment, and activity – and create a plan that works best for you and your pet.

A Comprehensive Guide to Puppy Sleep Schedule by Age: Expert Tips & Advice

puppy sleep schedule by age
puppy sleep schedule by age

What is a good sleep schedule for a puppy? The average puppy will sleep for 11 hours a day. This decreases to 8 hours a day as they reach six months of age and then increases again until 12-18 months of age when the puppy is considered an adult dog. The average dog will sleep for 10 hours per day. The Puppy Sleep Schedule by Age:

Newborn Puppies

Newborn puppies need a lot of sleep and should sleep for at least 12 hours daily. They should start getting used to being away from their mother soon after birth.

The Puppy Sleep Schedule by Age outlines the basic sleep needs of newborn puppies and how they change over time:

Newborns (0-3 days old)

Newborn puppies need 8-10 hours of sleep each night. They usually spend most of their time sleeping, but they may wake up several times during the night to eat or drink.

0-3 weeks

The pup sleeps through the night from the newborn stage and often wakes up during the morning for food or to go outside. This cycle repeats throughout the week.

Older Puppies (4-8 weeks old)

By 4 weeks, your puppy’s daytime energy has decreased significantly due to weariness from growth spurts. Because his nighttime habits have already been formed, your puppy will mostly fall asleep during the early part of the evening after eating a meal.

At about 8 weeks old, your puppy is starting to become more active during the day as he explores his home and prepares for kindergarten. This increased activity means he now needs an extra 2 hours of sleep each night instead of 1 hour.

3 month old puppy sleep schedule

How much should a puppy sleep 4 months old? During their early life stages, puppies should sleep 12-14 hours daily. This gradually decreases until 8-12 weeks old, when they will start to wake up at around 5 am and play until 7 am.

There are several benefits to a puppy’s consistent sleep schedule:

Puppies who get enough rest grow into healthy adults with strong bones and muscles. They also develop better brain function and learn faster than puppies who don’t get enough sleep.

If the puppy isn’t getting the sleep they need, there are a few things you can do to help them adjust:

1) Create a quiet and dark environment so your pup can fall asleep easily; avoid stimulating activities like playing games or watching TV in between nap times.

2) Feed your pup on a regular schedule, so his body knows when it’s time for bed; if you’re finding it difficult to stick to a fixed feeding routine, consult with your veterinarian about appropriate food options for dogs during this period of growth.

4-month-old puppy sleep schedule

A 4-month-old puppy should be sleeping for 10-12 hours a day.

4 Month Old puppy sleep schedule by age:

Day 1: Wake up at 7 am and go to the potty (if you have one). Play with your pup until 8 am. Have breakfast. Let the pup play until 9 am, then nap/rest until noon. Nap again from 12 pm to 1 pm. Afternoon activities may include walks, playing fetch, or just relaxing around the house; whichever lasts the longest. Dinner is served shortly after 2 pm, and bedtime follows around 5 pm.

If following this schedule feels too difficult, try these alternatives instead:

  • The 11-hour sleep schedule lets your pup get 7 hours of rest each day, equating to 22 total hours of sleep in a week! You can also add an early morning walk into this plan if you want extra stimulation during the waking hours before napping. Make sure to keep track of how long it takes your pet to fall asleep so that you don’t keep their allotted amount of sleep each night.
  • Alternate days schedule If working two full-time jobs is stressful enough, adding another obligation like taking care of a pet should be off your list! On alternating days, take turns transitioning awake /asleep between you and your mommy dog, allowing humans and four-legged friends the equal opportunity for sleeping time every day. Once one person falls asleep

5 month old puppy sleep schedule

With growing families and work schedules, getting your 5-month-old puppy to fall asleep simultaneously every night can be difficult. Here are some tips on how to adjust your puppy’s sleep schedule so that they are sleeping for 12-14 hours a day:

  1. crate your pup when you’re not home
  2. make sure there is enough stimulation during the day (playtime, walks)
  3. have a regular bedtime routine (bath, food, toys)

6 month old puppy sleep schedule

How long should a 6 month old puppy sleep at night? It is natural to sleep through the night from around six weeks old. However, due to their limited experience with nighttime, some 6-month-olds will still try to nap during the night. If this happens, allow your puppy as much sleep as possible during the day and stick to the habit of taking them to bed at the exact time every night. This will help ensure that they develop good sleeping habits and can fall asleep independently by nine months old.

How much sleep do puppies need at 6 months? 6-month-old puppies should also have a routine of naps throughout the day and plenty of playtimes. Puppies need more than sleep; they need stimulation to grow and learn properly. By providing regular breaks throughout the day, you’ll help prevent destructive behavior while your puppy develops physically and mentally.

7 month old puppy sleep schedule

By 7 months old, puppies start developing a regular sleep schedule. This sleep schedule will help to improve the puppy’s overall health and behavior.

The sleep schedule is based on the dog’s natural circadian rhythm, which starts to emerge around this age. The puppy’s chronological age (7 months) is when it’s biological clock begins to function at its peak. Circadian rhythms control many aspects of human physiology, including our daily schedules and sleeping patterns.

6-12 month old puppy sleep schedule

At 6 months old, most puppies have reached full development physically and mentally, so there is less need for them to wake up every 2 ½ – 3 hrs. during daylight like in previous periods because they now can function normally without much sleep at night. They still need about 8 hours of total sleep each night, though. Depending on a puppy’s activity levels (whether it’s more energetic or inactive),

3-6 Months

A puppy’s daytime may be divided into two halves; one in which they are awake during the early afternoon and evening before sleeping at around 7 pm, while another half occurs later in which they are awake all day long but usually wake up earlier than usual at around 6 am to eat breakfast and spend time with their family before going back to bed until 9 pm or 10 pm depending on how active they are that day. During this period, puppies should not be left alone due to their high energy level.

Factors that Affect Puppy Sleep

puppy sleep schedule by age template
puppy sleep schedule by age template

Breeds of dogs come in various sizes and activity levels, affecting the amount and type of sleep each puppy gets. There are also many different environments puppies will need to adjust to, from an outdoor kennel to a home with multiple dog families.

The Puppy Sleep Schedule by Age provides guidelines for predicting how long it will take for your puppy to fall asleep based on their breed, size, activity level (whether they’re kept indoors or outdoors), and environment.


Different dog breeds have unique sleep patterns, which are influenced by the size, activity level, and other factors. For instance, larger breeds tend to sleep more than smaller breeds, while working breeds like German Shepherds may need better rest to recover from physical exertion. Conversely, toy breeds like Chihuahuas may sleep for shorter periods but need more frequent naps throughout the day.

Size and Sleep Needs

In addition to breed, a puppy’s size can also impact its sleep needs. Generally, larger puppies need more sleep than smaller puppies, as they require more energy to maintain their bodies. However, this is only sometimes the case, as some smaller breeds can be highly active and require more sleep to recover.

Activity Level and Rest

Your puppy’s activity level is another factor that can influence its sleep needs. Highly active puppies, such as those belonging to working or sporting breeds, may require more sleep to recover from their physical activity. In contrast, less active puppies may require less sleep but may need more mental stimulation to avoid restlessness.

Environment and Sleep Quality

The environment in which your puppy lives can also impact its sleep quality. Puppies living in a noisy or stressful environment may have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, leading to fatigue and crankiness during the day. Conversely, puppies living in a quiet and peaceful environment are more likely to get quality sleep, leading to better overall health and behavior.

The puppy sleep chart by age considers eight different types of households:

  • A single owner without children
  • Two childless adults
  • One adult with one child
  • One adult with two children
  • Two adults with one child
  • Two adults with two children
  • Three or more people

Based on this information, you should be able to determine the best time for your puppy to settle down for the night so that they get enough rest – even if you have several other pets living in the house!

Tips for Helping Your Puppy Sleep

Now that you understand the factors that can affect their sleep, here is some advice:
1. Create a comfortable sleeping space for your puppy, such as a cozy bed or crate, in a quiet and peaceful area of your home.
2. Develop a constant sleep routine that includes relaxing activities, such as cuddling or a short walk, to help your puppy wind down before sleep.
3. Don’t provide your puppy or offer them water before bedtime, which can lead to nighttime accidents.
4. Confirm your puppy reaches enough activity and cognitive stimulation during the day to reduce restlessness at night.
5. Consider using calming aids, such as aromatherapy, to assist your puppy in relaxing and falling asleep.

The benefits of a puppy sleep schedule by age.

puppy sleep schedule by age example
puppy sleep schedule by age example

Puppies need more sleep than adult dogs because their brains are still developing, and their bodies are growing rapidly. As mentioned earlier, at 8 weeks old, a puppy needs around 12-14 hours of sleep per day. As they grow older, their sleeping requirements decrease gradually. By 8 months, a puppy has reached sexual maturity and requires around 10 hours of sleep daily. However, every puppy is unique; some may require more or less sleep than others.

Benefits of Following a Puppy Sleep Schedule by Age

  1. Reduced Behavioral Problems: Following a consistent puppy sleep schedule can reduce behavioral issues that may occur in adulthood. An adequate sleep schedule can help prevent aggression, hyperactivity, and separation anxiety.
  2. Reduced Rates of Obesity: Lack of sleep can cause weight gain, and the same goes for puppies. Creating a sleep schedule that allows for proper rest can help reduce obesity rates in dogs and humans.
  3. Better Overall Health and Increased Lifespan: A consistent sleep schedule can lead to better overall health and an increased lifespan for your furry friend. Puppies need sufficient rest to repair and regenerate their bodies, so a lack of sleep can lead to health problems like weakened immune systems and developmental issues.
  4. Easier Litter Box Training: Interrupting a puppy’s sleep multiple times during the night can disrupt their sleeping pattern and lead to accidents. Following a puppy sleep schedule can help ease litter box training and ensure adequate rest.
  5. Reduced Anxiety Issues: Puppies who don’t get enough rest can constantly become anxious and crave attention. A sleep schedule can help regulate their energy levels, leading to fewer anxiety issues later in life.

common sleep-related issues and how to deal with them

Sleep-related issues can be challenging for both puppies and their owners. Here are some common sleep-related issues and tips on how to deal with them:

  1. Night waking: wake up during the night due to requiring to go potty or feeling hungry. To minimize it, set a standard sleep routine and ensure that your puppy has gone potty and has had a meal before bedtime. Avoid giving your puppy any food or water after a certain evening.
  2. Separation anxiety: Separation anxiety is a common issue among puppies and can cause them to whine, bark, or even destroy things while you’re away. Create or provide a fixed sleeping area to feel more comfortable and secure. Gradually increase your puppy’s time in their sleeping area or crate when you’re not home.
  3. Restlessness during sleep: Puppies can become restless during sleep, which can be due to pain or requiring to go potty. Ensure that the sleeping area is cozy and secure. Take your puppy outside for a potty break before bedtime.
  4. Snoring or breathing difficulties: Some puppies may snore or have breathing difficulties during sleep, which can be due to allergies, obesity, or other health issues. Consult with a veterinarian if you notice any concerning symptoms.
  5. Nightmares: Puppies can experience nightmares, just like humans, which can cause them to whine, bark, or even wake up in a panic. Comfort your puppy if they have a nightmare, but avoid waking them up.
  6. Excessive sleeping: While it is normal for puppies to sleep a lot, excessive sleeping can indicate an underlying health issue. Consult with a veterinarian if you see your puppy resting more than usual.

how to ensure consistency and routine in puppy sleep schedules

Establishing a consistent sleep schedule for your puppy is essential for their health and well-being. Here are some practical tips to ensure consistency and routine in your puppy’s sleep schedule:

  1. Set a regular sleep routine: Puppies thrive on routine and predictability, so it can help them feel more comfortable and secure. Consider activities such as a potty break, a light playtime, a short walk, and then placing to bed in their sleeping area.
  2. Stick to a regular feeding schedule: It can help establish a consistent sleep schedule. Avoid giving your puppy food or water after a certain time in the evening to reduce the likelihood of night waking.
  3. Provide a designated sleeping area: Providing a designated location, such as a box or a comfortable bed, can assist them in feeling more confident and comfortable. Ensure the sleeping location is in a peaceful and low-traffic location.
  4. Avoid disruptions during sleep: Ensure your puppy’s sleeping area is free from distractions, such as loud noises or bright lights. Use blackout curtains or a white noise machine to block any noise or light.
  5. Be patient and consistent: Be consistent with the routine and avoid sudden changes. If you need to adjust, do so gradually to avoid disrupting your puppy’s routine.
  6. Monitor your puppy’s behavior: Pay attention to your puppy’s behavior and adjust the routine as needed. If your puppy consistently wakes up during the night, consider adjusting their bedtime routine or consulting with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

How to adjust schedules as puppies grow

As puppies grow, their sleep needs and patterns will change, and it’s important to adjust their puppy sleep schedule by age accordingly. Here are some tips for adjusting schedules as puppies grow:

  1. Gradually adjust sleep times: As your puppy grows, adjust their sleep times to their changing needs. For example, if your 8-week-old puppy is used to sleeping for 16 hours a day but now needs to sleep for 14 hours a day, reduce their sleep time by 30 minutes to an hour every few days until they reach the new goal.
  2. Be consistent with routines: Consistency is key to establishing good sleep habits in puppies. Stick to a regular schedule for feeding, playtime, and bedtime, as this helps your puppy anticipate and prepare for rest.
  3. Increase exercise: Puppies have a lot of energy, and regular exercise can help them expend that energy and get tired enough to sleep. As your puppy grows, gradually increase the duration and intensity of exercise to tire them out.
  4. Introduce crate training: Crate training is a great way to provide your puppy with a secure and comfortable sleeping space and can help with potty training. As your puppy grows, gradually increase their time in their crate at night and encourage them to associate it with sleep.
  5. Monitor your puppy’s behavior: Pay attention to it and adjust its sleep schedule if necessary. For example, if your puppy is showing signs of fatigue during the day or seems restless at night, it may need more or less sleep.


Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We covered various important topics based on research conducted by veterinarians and dog trainers., including specific guidelines for each age group from newborn to 7 months old. We also delved into the factors that can affect a puppy’s sleep. By understanding the importance of a consistent sleep schedule and how it can impact a puppy’s overall health and behavior, you can provide the best care for your furry companion.

About the author

Welcome to, your ultimate guide for puppy care. Created by a team of dedicated puppy experts, we've been sharing our love and knowledge of puppies for over 10 years. Our mission is simple: to make the journey of raising a puppy a joyful and rewarding experience.

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